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In the summer of 2021, Falcon Packaging made the commitment to have our outdated website redesigned. During this process, it was decided that our egg packaging online store — — would be combined with Falcon Packaging’s new website.

The purpose of this move was to make egg packaging products from Falcon more easily accessible for purchase. For anyone who had previously ordered egg packaging items through, they will now get these items at under the tab, EGG PACKAGING.

As Falcon Packaging continues to grow and expand into other packaging markets, we feel our new website will be better suited to inform our customers of the options that are available to them. It will also allow us to add newer packaging items to the store in a more efficient manner.

Please note  that we will continue to work at making more informative and current with what is going on in the packaging marketplace. In the interim, if you have any suggestions as to what items you’d like added to our store, please let us know.